Benefits of Membership
- Promotional Literature
- NECA Newsletter
- Advertise in the NECA Newsletter
- Guidelines
- Contract Form
- Write a short article of interest and Get Published in the e News
- Journal of Employment Counseling
- Quality Membership Certificate (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
- Approved Provider of Continuing Education Units
- NECA Member's Home Pages / State Branch Information & Communications Page
- Interact with NECA leaders & members
- Multiple Professional development opportunities
- Look for upcoming webinars
- Global Career Development Facilitator Training
- NECA Day of Learning at ACA conference
- Standards for Employment Counseling Competencies and Legislative Advocacy
We are sure you will enjoy the following benefits from this member-driven association-- just to name a few.
- Journal of Employment Counseling: Learn about new methods and program designs from your peers. (Quarterly)
- NECA Electronic Newsletter: Late breaking news in employment counseling, workshops and training, and related fields.
- Annual Workshop: In April 2018, it will be in Atlanta, Georgia. Join us and network with some of the most successful Employment Counselors on the planet.
- Informative Website: Check it out---links to useful websites, Association information, latest trends in workforce development.
- Establish Employment Counseling Competencies: National skill standards you can download off our website. Now being used in One Stop and STW programs, counseling education programs, staff job descriptions, & TANF programs.
- Continuing Education Units: Obtain CEUs for Participation in NECA Presentations within the American Counseling Association Conference. Join us for other special events throughtout the year.
- Career Management Training: Training program offerings in Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and Youth Engagment and Leadership Development Certification (YELD).
- Peer-to-Peer Network: Whether a counselor educator, career counselor in private practice, or case manager in job training or TANF or One Stop Career Center, you will make new friends while receiving professional development from your peers.
- Legislative Advocacy: Work with Congress, federal departments and ACA's Public Policy and Legislative Staff on pending legislation to support inclusion of employment counseling service delivery systems. We will assist members on state and local workforce development policy development upon request.
- Employment Counseling Updates: Check out the website!
- Global Presence: Member of the International Association of Employment and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG); NECA members serve as consultants in other countries ranging from Poland to Pakistan to Australia
- Professional Associations Network: NECA works with other associations relating to our work. Examples include: National Association of Workforce Professionals (NAWDP), the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), the National Career Development Association (NCDA), and others
- Review & Designate Programs for Best Practices Certification: Market your program with the "NECA Seal of Approval"
- Field Experts Review for Employment Law Compliance: At no cost, your program will be reviewed by peers.
- Membership Drives: Sponsor 5 new members by Dec 31 and receive a free Annual Workshop Registration!