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Section 1. Annual Meeting. A meeting open to all members of the Association, shall be held each year in conjunction with the Annual ACA Convention. This meeting may be combined with the regular meeting of the ExecutiveCouncil, or the Executive Committee if a quorum of the Executive Council is not available. Responsibility for selecting the place, date, and time of the annual meeting shall rest with the President of the Association. Notice of a meeting of the membership other than at the ACA convention shall be made to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, and any proposed action to be voted on by the association at such meeting must be included in the notice of the meeting. No action can be taken in the absence of such notice.

Section 2. Additional Meetings. Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the President with the approval of the Executive Council, or initiated through a petition that is (a) signed by fifteen (15) percent of the voting members and (b) sent to the President of the Association. Such petition or notice must contain a description of any action proposed for consideration by the membership at such meeting.